What happened during our disappearance for the last few months

thebelovedmoon, Co-founder
3 Feb 2024

Our sincerest apologies for being missing in action for the last few months since we've announced our return to socials following the migration of our operations to our new workstation. To give you all an all-in-one recap on what has happened on our end:

The VTubing venture

As you may have noticed from my main account on X, I've been focusing much on my VTubing career as I cater to more audience in this fashion -- not to mention that I've already expanded my roster to introduce more characters and give everything a new overhaul for the upcoming year to follow.

So far it's been a fulfilling experience at hand, and I'm having fun in doing all these things. But even after all that, I still feel guilty that I haven't been caught on other topics like ReactOS. I feel bad for my fellows who have been trying hard to get the word out about the operating system; and on behalf of ReactSquad, I deeply apologize for that.

The truth is, it's hard at this current state to juggle between VTubing and PR for ReactOS, but I still find ways to work around it with Emi. (And speaking of him, he's currently out of town for who knows how long, but he's expected to return to this venture soon to get up to speed.)

Website developments

Alongside, the website project has been on pause for quite a while, but we're committed to updating this framework in a few moments at the very least. In addition, we're working on gathering all the information related to ReactOS tests from the day its X account surfaced.

In addition, we're excited to add in more feeds that will make the site engaging to the audience. That includes embedding X timelines in our home pages to keep you updated on the latest happenings regarding ReactOS.

PR graphics

Starting December 2023, I've been in the process of making designs in Adobe Photoshop CS6 as a practice to be able to making them in a professional manner. In turn, I've made designs on my VTuber venture as a result, which also has advices from my fellow designers taken into account.

With this, we'll be integrating our 2024 graphics moving forward to the new design system that I'll be building in the same infrastructure. Don't worry -- most designs will still carry on that legacy of being with PowerPoint as its roots as we make the transition.

Previous designs won't be going anywhere, along with our logos (which I admit we'll also have a little makeover real soon) -- this is to maintain consistency as a brand and as a part of ReactOS Family of Communities.

So, what's next for 2024?

In summary, we'll be working on the following throughout the year:

Thus, we remain committed on our mission on expanding the reach and make the world know more about ReactOS -- a community-contributed operating system.